K-8 Program » ○ Middle School

○ Middle School

Middle school at SCFS offers an interactive curriculum for adolescent students, featuring vigorous instruction in core academic subjects complemented by in-depth thematic studies.  In Science, students learn chemistry, physics, and biology through exciting, authentic lab activities.  In English, our students hone their writing and grow their passion for reading.  Social Studies and History classes empower our students to function as citizens of the world who know how to recognize privilege and speak up for social justice.  Math curriculum is aligned with the State College Area School District to ensure an easy transition into high school. 

Our approach to education addresses the  academic, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the growing adolescent.  During this time of rapid growth and increasing independence, our highly-experienced  teachers facilitate and provide developmentally appropriate activities and projects that lead to self-discovery, skill building, and abstract thinking. The SCFS middle school learning community emphasizes Quaker testimonies, student voice, and engagement with our local and global communities.  As older middle school students prepare for high school, they leave Friends School confident in their capabilities and goodness.